What can your REALTOR do for you?

What can your licensed real estate professional, your REALTOR® do for you?

I will use myself as an example sharing what I offer my clients:

1. Local Market Insights

To help you as a professional REALTOR® I use my access to data pertaining to my local area of specialty Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows and my experience navigating many types of markets since I originally started in real estate in 1991.  I am trained and experienced in managing offers, writing legally binding contracts, handling negotiations, finances and more.

For you as a seller, as a resident of my area of speciality (Maple Ridge / Pitt Meadows) I stay on top of the market and not only can get information on comparable homes and see what they sold for and when, but as a local agent many times I will have been in the homes that sold that are comparable to yours, this is valuable since I can tell you more about the property. If somehow I missed visiting the property I am regularly in contact with other agents who give me the inside scoop.  In essense, you work with me but you also get my professional network I can draw upon to supercharge my expertise. In addition, as a local agent, I have an understanding as to what buyers are looking for in my area of specialty Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows.

Note: Even if you are months away from moving I work with my new clients so they can see trends in pricing and anticipate the right time to enter the market.
Do not hesitiate to reach out to me.

For you as a buyer, I can advise you as to what is available in the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows area. Not only do I have knowledge of the homes I help my clients buy and sell, each week I visit dozens of homes in my area to see the quality and features of these homes and the value they offer. I am aware of  transportation, services, amenities, and even municipal regulations you may have never heard about or find hard to understand.

2. Valuable Negotiation Skills

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